CyberWoman IoTSI - 12 SCCISP100% Scholarship for Latam, la liga para aplicar es:
All the Women in Latin America dedicated in the field of IOT , SMART CITY , CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE CYBERSECURITY Research , Consulting and Policy Maker, can summit to this benefit..
The requisites are:
1. At least 5 years of verifiable experience in cybersecurity , privacy and information security.
2.Outstanding Resume that provide information about formation, jobs positions and preview projects in the field of IoT, Wireles and Mobile networks, Cybersecurity and ICS/SCADA.
3. two recent recommendation letters, addressed to Julia Urbina-Pineda , excutive director of Industry 4.0 & 5G security for LATAM @global IOTSI, with contact details of the person who signs as a recommender.
4. High Level English Profency Language.
5.Project Proposal using the IoTSI Framework https://iotsecurityinstitute. com/iotsec/index.php/artefacts
more information: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.