Latest news!

  • SPIRE General co-chair with Ricardo Baeza-Yates: 31th International Symposium on String Processing and Information Retrieval, september 23-26, 2024.
  • SIPECO co-organizer: 4th Seminario Iberoamericano en Pensamiento Computacional - Mérida Yucatán. September 11-13 2024.
  • LAST co-chair with Lucia Barron, Ramon Zatarain, Carlos Reyes: 1st Workshop on Learning Applications, Systems and Technologies - Special Track on IEEE Mexican International Conference on Computer Science - Encuentro Nacional de Computación 2024, Ciudad Madero, México. September 23-25, 2024.
  • XII SENAIC co-organizer XII Seminario y Escuela Nacional de Aprendizaje e Inteligencia Computacional 2024, Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas, México. Octubre 21-24, 2024.
  • WILE co-chair with Lucia Barron, Ramon Zatarain, Carlos Reyes: 17th Workshop on Intelligent Learning Enviroments - Special Track on Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2024, Puebla, México. October 21-22, 2024. CFP is open!
  • Komputer Sapiens : IA en la Educación - mayo-agosto 2024 lastest publication
  • Upcoming conferences:
    • september 11, Tutorial, Computer science unplugged, SIPECO
    • september 12, conference paper presentation SIPECO
    • september 24, conference paper presentation LAST
  • Bienvenido / Welcome


    Doctora en Ciencias de la Computación por la Universidad de Chile, Ingeniera Electricista y Maestra en Ing. Eléctrica opción Sistemas Computacionales por la Facultad de Ingeniería Eléctrica de la Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo. Profesora e investigadora de la Facultad de Ciencias Físico Matemáticas. Miembro del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores. Especialista en recuperación de información y desarrollo de software educativo.

    Actualmente es Editora en Jefe de la revista de divulgación Komputer Sapiens de temas relacionados con Inteligencia Artificial y reconocida por CONAHCyT; también es Colaboradora con la empresa Amphora Health (ciencia de datos en bases de datos médicas); además es líder del cuerpo académico: estructuras de datos y análisis de algoritmos.

    La Dra. Figueroa ha trabajado en distintos proyectos entre ellos: ayudó en el diseño e implementación del Curriculm Vitae Nicolaita en 2004. En 2022 colaboró con un grupo interdisciplinario (Amphora Health, ENES-UNAM Morelia y el IMSS) para la detección de complicaciones en pacientes con diabetes Mellitus tipo 2 que próximamente será implementado en el IMSS nacional. El proyecto mas reciente en software educativo se llama LiveQuiz y se encuentra en fase de prueba.

    La Dra. Karina está convencida que la educación es la principal vía de transformación de un país.

    Biographical sketch

    PhD in Computer Science from the University of Chile, Electrical Engineer and Master in Electrical Engineering, Computer Systems option, from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the Michoacana University of San Nicolás de Hidalgo. Professor and researcher at the Faculty of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. Member of the National System of Researchers. Specialist in information retrieval and development of educational software.

    She is currently the editor-in-chief of Komputer Sapiens magazine, which covers topics related to Artificial Intelligence and is recognized by CONAHCyT. She is also a Collaborator with the company Amphora Health (data science in medical databases) and the leader of the academic body for data structures and algorithm analysis.

    Dr. Figueroa has worked on different projects, including helping in the design and implementation of the Nicolaita Curriculum Vitae in 2004. In 2022, she collaborated with an interdisciplinary group (Amphora Health, ENES-UNAM Morelia, and the IMSS) to detect complications in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus, which will soon be implemented at the national IMSS. The most recent project in educational software is called LiveQuiz and is in the testing phase.

    She has supervised various undergraduate and master's theses; she has also trained multiple teams for national programming contests and hackathons, among which her work as a delegate of the Informatics Olympiad in Michoacán from 2010 to 2015 stands out.

    Dr. Karina is convinced that education is the leading way to transform a country.

    Areas of interest

  • Algorithms in general
  • Information retrieval
  • Metric databases
  • Computer vision
  • Cursos impartidos

  • Algoritmos / Algorithm
  • Análisis de Algoritmos / Analysis of Algorithms
  • Bases de datos / Databases
  • Visión computacional / Computer vision
  • Inteligencia artificial / Artifitial intelligence
  • Recuperación de información / Information retrieval
  • Lenguajes formales / Theorical computer science
  • Lenguajes de programación / Programming languages
  • Links

    Komputer Sapiens

    Revista de divulgación sobre Inteligencia Artificial
    Journal of research dissemination in artificial intelligence

    Class notes

  • Similarity searching course
  • My class notes of C
  • Personal info


    some pics.


  • Sports: basketball, swimming, running and bicycling.